
Flight details
Title: Short downwind flight from Bo Peep
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Tony Aldous
Date of flight:14th September 2008
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Arrived at Bo Peep about 10:30 to find several pilots in the air. Ridge soared for a while before finding a thermal and climbing out to 800m. Now a long way back, I tried to push forwards, but lost all my height getting back to the ridge. Caught another thermal, and this time went with it up to 900m. Crossed to another cloud and found lift but watched the cloud dissolve above me. I crossed over the river, but failed to find lift, and landed in a field by the football field at Saltdean, a distance of about 12km. Short and sweet, but lovely to get away from the hill for once!

Tony A.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.816833,-0.037033
Landing place:Saltdean
Distance12.15 km
Score12.15 km
GPS evidence from:XC.006753.igc