
Flight details
Title: The Whole Ridge to Myself, Again.
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:David Williamson
Date of flight:25th February 2023
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
First flight, the sky was overcast with disorganised thermals of moderate strength, at times. There were two of us flying then and, as a wintry shower was approaching, we both went to land but there was lift everywhere and I had to fly to west of the modellers bowl to find sink and come back to top land. Jose went out the front until he could find some sink, to allow him to bottom land. After the shower had gone through, the sky looked fantastic, with cloudbase at 3500' but the wind had picked up a little and no one else was launching. I launched in a lull and found that the thermals were very spring-like, organised and strong. With no one else in the air, I positioned myself under a cloud street and climbed to 1500' beneath it. I then dolphin-flew upwind, stopping to thermal up in a bit of 5-up to 2700' and then pushing forwards to north of the A27. I'd had the whole site to myself again but, just as I top landed, one other flexwing was taking off (see picture), so Neil had the ridge to himself too.