
Flight details
Title: First flight with my new harness
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Chris Townsend
Date of flight:12th October 2014
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
I've edited that test/fantasy flight I entered last week. The first two comments below relate to that entry and not to this "real" flight. Just to add to the confusion it looks like I submitted a flight a week before I flew it too.


Just Luke and me flying after the PGs packed up and left. Nicos came up for a run and to say hello. When I got there the wind was light, and 15+ PGs were scratching in the bowl not more than a few feet above take-off and often below the ridge. Then the wind picked up suddenly, as forecast, and grounded them all, making way for us. The air was a bit gnarly and off to the east but easy to maintain 400 - 500 feet. 

I was trying out my new Tenax 3 harness, which arrived yesterday. Very nice. Sleek and comfy, and the butt lever works a treat and, most importantly, it looks cool in colours that match my glider :o)  I found it more difficult to get vertical for the landing and to get my hands back onto the uprights without pushing out, but managed it for a good enough landing. I had loads of height and committed the cardinal sin of working much of it off S-ing behind the fence, then looked like I was going to come down behind it so had to let some flap off to pull forward. It was a good landing in the end.

The first spots of rain came just as I was putting the glider on the roof rack and I managed to stay ahead of it on the way home.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:50.82125,0.128883
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance7.87 km
Score19.68 km
GPS evidence from:Bo Peep 2014-10-12.kml