
Flight details
Title: Impatience in St Andre
Pilot:James Hope-Lang
Date of flight:22nd September 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
The day promised some big flights. Lots of talk of the Dormillouse milk run or 70km triangles passing Cheval Blanc and Chamotte. Launch was busy, the peer pressure got to me and my launch was a bit fluffed. However kept it in the air, headed to the front of the hill to reduce the final leg of a potential triangle only to be beaten up by the wind blowing round the tip (should have thought more of the rotor from the NW'ly). Once back above launch calmed it all down and followed around 20 gliders back to the antenna. No problem staying above the ridge and got to the end beyond the antenna to find a nice climb. Sitting generally in bottom 3rd and keeping a very conservative wide turn (there was some interesting flying going on by the locals�) climbed to around 2250m. At this point should have glided on to Lambruisse but mistakenly waited for someone else to break first. By time they did I'd lost 200m and was back above ridge height. Instead of patiently waiting to top it up I instead for some strange reason thought I'd find it in the valley. Instead I glided with a couple of vultures straight to the bottom half of Lambruisse. Tried to scratch back up that but after a few attempts and virtually no lift I instead glided back down to the village kicking myself the whole way�. very disappointed. Was hoping to break 50km and 50hr's in the same flight but instead fell short on both counts�!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:44.049383,6.4537
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance13.68 km
Score13.68 km
GPS evidence from:2014-09-22_11-25.kml