
Flight details
Title: One way up the Pandy Ridge
Pilot:James Hope-Lang
Date of flight:13th September 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Only place in the south that looked flyable was Pandy so left a little later than usual but as the hill was still shrouded in cloud at 11:00 there was no rush. 

By time I'd had a snack in Waitrose and then driven up and hiked to the lower launch it was gone 1pm. Despite a small queue and lots of pressure with plenty of people struggling to launch cleanly I actually managed an undramatic take-off. Hooked the first climb straight after launch and headed up the ridge. Plan was to explore beyond the first bowl. Cloudbase was fairly low so climbs were not impressive. Had a lot of fun meandering up the ridge before deciding (too late) to head over to the Cats Back. Made mistake of cutting straight across instead of obliquely and promptly got drilled as I approached back of the ridge. Ran back to the main ridge too late so ended up landing at the bottom of it in a huge bracken patch. Once I'd picked the wing out of it, packed and hiked up to the ridge the wind had picked up a lot. Determined not to walk the 10km back I worked on my A's and C's technique but managed to over damp the launch! After kicking myself I tried again, got an elevator ride straight up and headed back along the ridge. Once back by launch decided too late to head XC but had lots of height for some fun. In the end top landed at the lower launch, packed and walked back to the car after a very satisfying day at Pandy - again! (love this place�) First flight here, 2nd in another post
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.978483,-3.050567
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance14.39 km
Score14.39 km
GPS evidence from:2014-09-13_12-56.kml