
Flight details
Title: One Thermal Wonder.
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:David Williamson
Date of flight:12th September 2014
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
Friday at Bo Peep. I arrrived at 12:30, rigged by1:20 and saw Carlo and Nancy climbing out on P/Gs as I clipped in. By the time I was at take-off, I couldn't see them anymore and sat there for nearly 30 mins. as ENE cold air came over the hill. Then a cycle of warm air and I had to make my own decision; no other hangliders there and no P/Gs in the air; just like the old days! I took off and had about 3 beats back and forth in the P/G bowl which got me to 300' a.t.o. Then I caught a good core and drifted back at 10 m.p.h. with an average climb of 3-up to 3000'. The P/Gs watching from the ground said that it felt too windy to join me in the climb. I then went for some convergence in the valley behind and past Beddingham but I couldn't read the sea-breeze, as it was rather broken, and I just got a smooth glide down to Southease. A bit crap. I dread to think how far Carlo got! Big thanks to Steve Purdie for stopping and giving me a lift back to Bo Peep when he saw me walking along the A27.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.820415,0.013147
Landing place:Southease.
Witness:Steve Purdie.
Distance7.82 km
Score7.82 km