
Flight details
Title: Up, down, round and round.....
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Peter Impey
Date of flight:8th September 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Bo Peep. Blue. Inverted. Windy. But surprisingly lifty once I got up there. Boated around for a while waiting for things to clear up a bit then pushed forward to explore the climbs out front. After a foray around Drusilla's, flew over the A27 where 4 buzzards were having a party which I gate crashed. From that and with a few folk showing that the fields out front were working, decided to head West. From there it all went a bit scrappy for me and after some slow careful climbs I found myself at 1,400ft just  West  of Firle village. Beautiful brown fields baking in the sun, seagulls whirling, buzzards soaring, a tractor ploughing � but I managed to avoid any and all the lift that seemed to be around and got gradually and relentlessly sucked to the ground below Gribbles Ridge. However, my clever Garmin claims 16.7km around many turnpoints � so into the Flight Diaries it goes��
PS: thanks to Crispin for the retrieve
PPS: thanks to the unidentified gent on the orange and blue (?) Peak for marking a few thermals for me.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.836172,0.049956
Landing place:Gribbles Ridge, near Beddingham
Witness:GPS file
Distance16.73 km
Score16.73 km
GPS evidence from:2014-09-08_09-59.kml