
Flight details
Title: Bopeep to HOME!!!
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Vincent Talleu
Date of flight:8th September 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Bopeep was really good early on, thermals everywhere, almost got to the reservoir then landed back on the ridge to drop some ballast :)
Take off again, but it somehow all shut down, very hard to stay up, slope land at the trig point, spend half an hour thinking why the hell I got here while the wind is shifting East.
Anyway patience paid up once more it all started working again, got to cloud base with Owen who'd been there for the past hour!
Second climb over glyndebourne, text book, then glide towards ditchling but I see Owen climbing over Lewes, so I follow him but can't find anything bellow him, I spend the next hour or so scrabbling around in zeros, trying my best to stay up, finally a few small climb help me out and I get back to good height towards ditchling again.
But the sky looks much better towards brighton so I glide to Falmer where I get reaaaaaally low, almost landed there, seagulls show me a climb, very good back up but the drift takes me right over brighton.

That's when I lose the thermal and realize I'm actually pretty low and landing options are pretty scarce!

What to do?!? 
Looks like the levels big enough for a safe landing,  plus its only few minutes walk from my flat :D

It was unbelievable, everybody was whistling applauding and all, epic landing! 
Very tricky though as the wind became southerly just when I got there, so scary, this park is not very big! ;)
Someone offered me a beer and everybody was asking me if I jumped from a plane, it was very hard to explain how I didn't.

Screw the van it can spend the night at Bopeep I'll get there tomorrow morning, 
Anybody going to Bopeep from Brighton tomorrow?? :)

Amazing day, amazing flying, I just love this too much my head will explode soon!!! ARrrhh

ps: It was obviously an emergency landing I would never have planned to land here. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.830717,-0.1324
Landing place:
Witness:Start and finish taken from IGC fil
Distance18.31 km
Score18.31 km
In novice league?YES