
Flight details
Title: High and Over to Peacehaven
Site:High and Over
Pilot:Vincent Talleu
Date of flight:3rd September 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Finished work very early, rushed to High and Over because of the forecast. 
Got there, wind was North East. Bollocks! 
As I always commit the hill I go to (and because I'm a penny pinching frenchman) I decided to cope until the wind goes East.
It was very frustrating watching many wings way up high at Bopeep while I was scratching the eastern slope all morning.
But my patience (or stubbornness) paid up, finally the wind shifted a bit and it became very thermic and bumpy, pushed forward to find strong climbs, Thermaled with what I thought was a very big buzzard but it was white underneath with black stripes on his eyes (just checked online, it was an Osprey!)
Climbs were very narrow and strong, I had to turn real tight or wing tip folded up, finally got to 900feet(amsl) and drifted with the lift, kept losing and finding lift all the way to seaford when I finally got to base! 
There were martins all over the place, it was so funny to see them up there!!!

I was quite close to the coast and the cloud looked like it was drifting ashore so I didn't dare going inside or crossing it, so flew a bit upwind then back towards same cloud again, it was a silly mistake because I was now in shadow and sink all the way to the ground.

I think I should have headed straight north where there are many small hills and bowls facing East North East then I could have got up again easy, or should have stayed with the cloud longer, drifting with it.
Lesson learned (hopefully), I must make better decisions when at cloudbase and not be so indecisive.

Amazing day.
Hopefully better tomorrow!!!! :)

ps: It was amazing having the whole hill to myself, so feel free to all go to Bopeep again tomorrow ;)

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.802983,-0.010417
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance11.38 km
Score11.38 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.013127.igc