
Flight details
Title: Nice at Milk Hill
Site:Milk Hill
Pilot:Lewis John
Date of flight:24th August 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After a disappointing (weather-wise) final round of the BCC in SE Wales (Saturday too windy for most, with spots of rain and no task set today), most of the southern team participants (superbly led by Catherine) headed to Milk Hill, where it was very pleasant. Well worth a trip and I'll definitely be back. I got high but decided not to go XC due to not wanting a protracted retrieve (although it probably would have been fine) but there must have been some nice XCs - I think there were several of the southern xc legends present.

The day didn't look great (high cloud with no blue sky) but it worked fine and there were lots of cu's.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.3718,-1.8538
Landing place:Milk Hill
Witness:Start and finish taken from IGC fil
Distance7.80 km
Score7.80 km