
Flight details
Title: Mt Caburn to Hurst Green
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Peter Impey
Date of flight:24th August 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
A very pleasant cruise in company. Climbed out from Mt C in a thermal very nicely marked by Julian, then saw others starting to climb out as well. A handy group then gathered together - Stewart, Crispin, Grita, John P, Adam and I - all of us making our own different ways across the sky, but keeping in touch so as to benefit from the broader spread. A bit of cloud flirting - at one point big-ears wasn't enough and a full on spiral called for. A lesson learned there - don't be so greedy and leave the climb or get out to the side somewhat earlier in future, please. Swanie went off to the south on his own, emerging ahead of us all in due course. For the rest of us, it all petered out between Etchingham and Hurst Green and we all landed within a few minutes of each other. Couldn't see where Swanie had got to though. Ashford? Margate??? A very enjoyable trip across the countryside. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.018766,0.47483
Landing place:Hurst Green
Witness:GPS file
Distance36.93 km
Score36.93 km
GPS evidence from:2014-08-24_10-44.kml