
Flight details
Title: Frocester to Oaksey
Pilot:Nancy Elliott
Date of flight:23rd August 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Frocester - well I hadn't returned for to it for at least 5 years, my memory was of 3 bottom landings and a rather unpleasant take off. It was slightly better than I had remembered and now I have more experience, however the site brief still goes something like this:

Your not allowed to top land, there isn't really a slope landing option, take off turn immediately right and either fly over the trees or around a big one if your low and then watch out for the sailplane club directly behind who are regularly launching into where you are soaring...

Add to this Hugh Miller had called a fun challenge with the hang gliders, which was fun and my climb out was very memorable with Al Wilson and I going round each in the centre of the core with at least 5 hang gliders going around the outside of us - I needed more eyes than I have!

It was a short flight for me although not too far behind the big guns who had also come down in a similar area. Although Al proved it was possible to carry on to do 90km and the hangies really showed us the way with Luke and Carl landing at goal at the Dyke - very impressive!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.62895,-2.013517
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance25.36 km
Score25.36 km
GPS evidence from:2014-08-23_09-39_NLE.kml