
Flight details
Title: Frogs & Roast Beefs Nats, Task 2
Pilot:Luke Nichol
Date of flight:11th August 2014
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
A much harder task, lots of spread out and over development so it was hard getting up from Aspres. Just as the first start gate (out of 2) opened, everyone got hoovered up to cloud base and 95% of the field left for the start cylinder. I was in the start gaggle but something didn't feel right on the first glide, it was shady a long glide and we weren't very high, i decided to turn back for there hill and hope that the sky opened up a bit and i could catch the others up. It was a risk that didn't really pay off, they sky shut down even more. I got a weak climb ten minutes after the second start gate and took it to base on my own, i left the hill last and was now thirty minutes behind the other pilots. However as i started to get to the next ridge the fields below were littered with gliders, probably over half the field went down on the first glide and lots of others were still scratching at ridge height. I joined in for about 5 minutes before getting a 12up to base! a long glide got turn point 1 and 2 in the bag, another screamer and i caught up with most of the field except the fastest 10 flexwings and 3 rigids. I got a really good climb at turn point 3 and had a brilliant glide towards turn point 4 but now the day was ending and thermals were week. i got one last climb which got me 67km around the 80km course. 3rd for the rigids with none in goal but 10 flexwings in goal showing it was possible and i obviously made too many mistakes, taking the second start gate was the main mistake and a couple of areas i dithered and should have pushed on. Still a fun task and 1st overall for the rigids, so very happy.

Toady we went to St Andre but it was too wind for a task so only free flying for those who wanted. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:44.404783,5.897433
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance79.09 km
Score79.09 km
GPS evidence from:Task2.kml