
Flight details
Title: Caburn to Ponts Green
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Peter Beleznay
Date of flight:4th August 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Got to Caburn a bit late, as I missed the 8:53 train, and the next one was an hour later. A 10 minutes walk from the station to the landing field, and another 15 minutes hike I was on the top in howling wind. It was too windy around 11 when I took off, apparently it was very light shortly before that. 
The air was rough low down with sudden short bursts of lift, but none of them large enough to be usable, pretty horrible really. 
After 15minutes of bumping around low down I was thinking: "ok, this is not fun", and was about to go to the landing field, when a thermal started to lift me so fast that my vario was screaming. I was just focusing on keeping the glider open, and by the time I managed to put in a 360, I was high above take off, and kept rising with every circle. 

After that lift petered out it was quite tricky, I could only drift in gentle zeros at best, slowly loosing height. When I got into a sink, maxed out the speedbar, and was on full speed towards a promising cloud, when had a monster collapse. It popped out quite quick without complications.

After the windmill I was about to get ready to land when a low thermal started to gently lift me, and after some careful coring I could ride it all the way to cloud base. After that I was gliding from cloud to cloud, it was a fantastic ride between dramatic looking cumuluses. The battery in my gopro gave in by then, so could not record it all, maybe next time I will make sure it is charged.

After a few transitions I probably chose the wrong cloud, a fake one, as it didn`t have a lift underneath. Got very low again, and even though there were little lifts in my way, I could not find the core for another ride up, so had to land.

Got a lift to Battle train station from a nice farmer, took the train back to Glynde for a lunch in the pub, and then a few of us went up in the evening for an hour of smooth ridge soaring.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.919483,0.383533
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance27.28 km
Score27.28 km
GPS evidence from:2014-08-04-XCM-70B-01_0.kml