
Flight details
Title: Caburn
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Vincent Talleu
Date of flight:30th June 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Got back to the hill after my flop on the back, decided to fly down, but now the wind had dropped a bit and it got really great lift all around, tried to push out front just like the ginger crow would do, saw a seagull circling way below me in the distance, got to its lift, was just zeros but used that to get back to the hill, cool!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Out and Return
Finish at:50.861783,0.0516
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance2.98 km
Score0.00 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:2014-06-30-XCS-VIN-03.igc