
Flight details
Title: Mr Potato Head
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Andrew Craig
Date of flight:11th June 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I arrived too late, and reached the hilltop just in time to see Mark Watts and assorted Flybubblers climbing out -- although base was very low, with Wagga disappearing into it when he was hardly above the hill. They did very well to eke out over 40k, much of it below 2000 feet.

There were still some nice thermals in the sea air. Vincent found a climb out east, Grita found one over the summit, and the two coalesced, with John Turczak joining us as we commmitted to it at a ridiculous 1100 feet ASL. "This is so romantic!" Vincent called to me as we circled. "100k or 5k?" I shouted back. I think we both knew the answer.

As our mini-gaggle appeared to be thermalling steadily downwards over Glyndebourne, I went on a downwind charge over a pond and some houses, but they didn't work. Down I came at the end of Potato Lane. Gandhi kindly came out and retrieved a busload of losers.

No visible track, I'm afraid, as I loserishly left my Garmin running so long that it overrode the tracklog, and I haven't yet worked out how to produce a viewable map from my Syride. But you're not missing much. (If you're desperate, here's a link: http://parapente.syride.com/compte_ajxDetailSession.php?idSession=16705)
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.891,0.082317
Landing place:
Witness:Start and finish taken from IGC fil
Distance4.02 km
Score4.02 km