
Flight details
Title: Bo Diddely Me
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Crispin Rose-Innes
Date of flight:3rd May 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Turned out nice at Bo! Climbed out quickly with two tandems; Flybuster Greg and Skylarking Dave. Got nice and high with ample time to think what to do. The rape fields were working well out front and things looked good in the direction of The Lay. Strange to look down on your own house from 3500'. Both cats were asleep and they didn't see me as I flew over their heads. But I did notice the new york stone pavers I laid the week before. � all looking good down below and so I pushed on over the river. Found a good climb at Rodmell and then noticed a sail plane come to join me about a grand below. The police chopper sneaked by heading east a long way down and moving on towards Swanborough two hangies were parked on top and ready to go. Got low over Kingston but was rewarded with another nice climb which then fizzled with a long glide towards the new stadium on the A27.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.850604,-0.067594
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance15.82 km
Score15.82 km
GPS evidence from:2014-05-03_11-17.kml