
Flight details
Title: Testing the bottom landing field
Pilot:Andrew Craig
Date of flight:27th March 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
A magnificent RASP forecast drew me to Leckhampton, but by the morning enthusiasm had waned. Thick fog draped itself over the site, and it was after 1100 that a couple more pilots arrived. Eventually it brightened a bit, and I was lured off by a couple of buzzards. It didn't work, and I was able to try out the newly authorised bottom landing field. I can report that it works very well; as soon as your feet touch it, you stop flying.

As I hiked back up Tony Wilkinson showed that it was now soarable, and soon five of us were in some sporty air. With very little sun getting through, taking a climb over the back was a bit of a gamble. Tony went first, then mine got me to just over 2500. Two more followed me doing much better, but I don't think I'd have made it back to join them, or the final pilot who was climbing further east. Tony and I came down at about 5k and got a lift back quickly; the others did about 15k.

Still, that's Leckhampton visited twice and got away from twice! Good practice.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.81408,-2.072221
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance8.72 km
Score8.72 km
GPS evidence from:Leckythumpk.kml
Luke Nichol27th Mar 01:27: Nice write up Andrew, I especially liked raspberry red- I will remember that one. Nice flight, great to see spring FINALLY starting after a long wet winter :0)
Chris Townsend27th Mar 02:23: They're always nice write-ups from Andrew. I like "a thin slice of epic". Sounds like Douglas Adams.
David Williams27th Mar 11:52: I'm particularly impressed by the launch alongside the Cuckmere. Must have been pretty windy. ;)
Andrew Craig28th Mar 11:32: The wee green marker is just the place that GPS dump has worked out that it's best to start my XC flight from, to maximise its epicness -- it doesn't mean that I actually took off there!