
Flight details
Title: 1st little flight of 2014 with the AXXESS
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Nicos Halvatzis
Date of flight:23rd March 2014
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
Getting back into it after the long winter lay off.
Getting used to my new glider.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:50.883767,-0.21715
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance3.59 km
Score8.98 km
GPS evidence from:2014-03-23_10-57.kml
Luke Nichol24th Mar 12:14: Great to see the Axxess back in the air Nicos, I'm sure you were happy to finally be flying it again.
Ex Member 345223rd Mar 08:14: Looks like he stopped at the golf course to work on his short game for a bit, going by how it's interpreted on the map. ;)
Scott Dougal24th Mar 02:35: do claim 5km from this flight as a joke - 5km is not much but I cant even see where it came from on this tracklog.. nice that you flew and all that but tell me you posted this as some sort of ironic comment on the HG "XC" League -- my flying and photos are here... http://www.stovolando.co.uk
Nicos Halvatzis25th Mar 03:18: It's always nice to fly when it's possible . it's good to see my name in the league for now , and i am hoping to do better in the future . Be happy .....
Scott Dougal25th Mar 10:36: I am happy to see you up flying Nicos - a lot.. my opinion on our league is known - call this what it is - a nice little flight at the Dyke... earn those km... :) -- my flying and photos are here... http://www.stovolando.co.uk
Luke Nichol26th Mar 12:31: Nicos, this is a great attitude! It was said at the meeting and also mentioned at the committee meeting- these flights give you something to improve on and also keep you familiar with the entering flights onto the website process. Keep posting them mate ;0)
Scott Dougal27th Mar 12:32: I object to computer generated XC scores and object to Nicos' 5km on those grounds You Luke are claiming over 100km already - you are not a beginner in fact you are on paper at least a world class rigid flying pilot with plenty of experience together with a sponsored ATOS VR - every technical aid to flying there is... So why don't you tell us about the challenges you faced when you flew from Caburn on the only flight you have that looks remotely like an XC and tell us all where those 12km came from. http://www.shgc.org.uk/node/12484 But I think flooding the league with flights like these devalues the competition and is nothing at all to do with the challenge of cross country flying and all to do with fiddling with computers. If thats too difficult for you maybe you can get your friend Ian White to write the reply for you. -- my flying and photos are here... http://www.stovolando.co.uk
Scott Dougal27th Mar 12:32: I object to computer generated XC scores and object to Nicos' 5km on those grounds You Luke are claiming over 100km already - you are not a beginner in fact you are on paper at least a world class rigid flying pilot with plenty of experience together with a sponsored ATOS VR - every technical aid to flying there is... So why don't you tell us about the challenges you faced when you flew from Caburn on the only flight you have that looks remotely like an XC and tell us all where those 12km came from. http://www.shgc.org.uk/node/12484 But I think flooding the league with flights like these devalues the competition and is nothing at all to do with the challenge of cross country flying and all to do with fiddling with computers. If thats too difficult for you maybe you can get your friend Ian White to write the reply for you. -- my flying and photos are here... http://www.stovolando.co.uk
Luke Nichol27th Mar 12:48: "you are on paper at least a world class rigid flying pilot" Thanks mate ;0)
Luke Nichol27th Mar 12:48: "you are on paper at least a world class rigid flying pilot" Double thanks ;0)
Paul Cryer27th Mar 02:42: It's just a bit of fun ... :-))
Ian White26th Mar 09:23: Hi Scott. Personally I would rather not waste the SHGC bandwidth with such comments but I think after that I deserve the right to reply. Please note that I write for myself rather than Luke. He is my friend, sidekick or any other similar name you prefer to call it so it should not be unexpected that we share many (but not necessarily all) views. Several respected members of the HG community have tried to resolve the issues however you do not seem to be interested. That is a shame. My offer of a lift for you and your glider up from the bottom landing recently was genuine and sincere and you had every right to turn it down. It is just such a shame that the hand of friendship offering resolution repetitively gets bitten. My words, written by me from me to you. Ian
Nicos Halvatzis27th Mar 12:37:  Did'nt took me long to get back in to it, but when i remember how to thermal again it felled good. Thermaling over the golf coarse and looking at the sky filing with some big clouds i decide to return back to the hill ...
Nicos Halvatzis27th Mar 12:48: That's exactly right Paul !!!
Nicos Halvatzis29th Mar 02:23: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxYNMak1m8M
Ozzie Haines29th Mar 02:52:  Nice flight Nicos hope you use this as a spring board to go alot father in the future.
Luke Nichol30th Mar 02:25: Someone over the radio said it was Tea-time. Nicos got the wrong idea and thought it was Tee-time ;0) P.S it only took me 6days to come up with that one- I'm improving!