
Flight details
Title: Windy Caburn...
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Luke Nichol
Date of flight:21st March 2014
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
Got there a bit too late, was at the top and ready to fly around 11 but seabreezed at 10.30ish and sky went blue and got very windy. i still had an hour playing in the strong broken thermals and tried to drift with one but failed miserably. Wind was averaging 29mph WSW! A great day though, landed and packed up for 2 pm ready for a pub lunch with my wife. Small vid on its way.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.899189,0.110407
Landing place:
Distance12.32 km
Score12.32 km
David Williamson22nd Mar 02:41: How often do you see a rigid carried up Caburn? " It's got to be rough to be good!"