
Flight details
Title: Lanzarote, day 4 - FAMARA!!!!
Pilot:Luke Nichol
Date of flight:3rd February 2014
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
WOW! The Famara range is one of the main reasons I came to Lanzarote,  it takes a wnw to NNW. But if it's thermic can be flown in a north. However the prevailing wind is NE here so you're lucky if it's on. Most of the weather forecasts said it was Northerly but JB had seen a kink in the isobars which he though could allow it to swing NNW and give us a go at it- as usual his weather forecasts were spot on. 

What an awesome day, we had a fairly early start and arrived at Famara around 10.30. We went to the lower launch which is only 414ft high as it was a bit too windy for the higher launch. The wind was still northerly on arrival but there were thermals kicking off and I was first off, the lower launch looks something like Caburn in height and size, I had to cling into a small hill until a thermal came through and then you can climb and dive for the next bump until reaching the much higher cliffs. 
The first flight was great and with John in my ear telling me I now had enough height to dive over the valley for the high stuff, off I went. I had a great 50 minutes pushing a few km's along the cliffs before whizzing back down wind and top landing. After a couple of hours rest i had a quick go on Johns C2 and found the handling very different to the U2 and Discus (probably because I've stopped flying topless's for a while now) so top landed at the first opportunity. 

The last flight was by far the best (and is the track log one below). Everyone else had had ther last flight and gone down except Chris who had just launched on the Discus and JB who had been waiting for a late afternoon flight. I launched on the U2 and he launched shortly after, the lift was not as strong but much wider mellow thermals and getting to the high launch was much easier, we were both about 100ft above the high launch when I decided to try and glide for the bigger cliffs, I got to them and just about maintained until the landing options started decreasing and I headed back and had a nil wi
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:29.116483,-13.550533
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance10.17 km
Score10.17 km
GPS evidence from:XC.012380.igc