
Flight details
Title: Firle again
Pilot:Chris Townsend
Date of flight:30th November 2013
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
When John McB and I arrived, the sky was dark grey and foreboding, and blowing 25+mph on take-off.  By the time John was rigged, wind speed had dropped to a more comfortable 15-20mph.  He launched, had a quick flight and landed before I was rigged and reported the air very smooth.  I lacked the imagination to do anything more than beat up and down the ridge between the Trig Point and down past Beddingham, trying a bit of speed now and then.  The Atos's superior sink rate, compared with the flexwings, was apparent with the removal of any thermalling skill from the equation, and I topped out at just over 560ft ATO in ridge lift.  I flew about an hour and in the meantime, the sky went mostly blue with some thin and spread-out cumulus, and DanH and DanB arrived.  I had another short flight before packing up.  Then the four of us went down to Middle Farm for coffees.

I've flown more hours this month than in any previous month in my hang gliding career.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Out and return ridge run
Finish at:50.833067,0.1142
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance8.18 km
Score8.18 km
GPS evidence from:Firle 2013-11-30a.kml
Luke Nichol30th Nov 01:56: Nice write up Chris. Annoyed I couldn't join you guys as it sounds like a nice day. Hopefully the next few days will be good though. Next time we can both race along on our VR's ;0)